Monday, November 10, 2008

11 november, Sunday

It does not have to be lots of tombs or signs, a few are enough to remember. Between all I have seen, that before the St John's church left me the strongest impression.

I do not think anyone is buried there, but it is to remember.

Those fallen and those wounded in the first world war: my grand father have been wounded during it too. Those from the other wars, like the second world war. I met a veteran of it yesterday at the London Bridge train station.

- I did not fight, I was in the Marines, he told me, modestly.

But he was sensible to my words of thanks and hold my hand before we parted. Thanking him, perhaps was my contribution to the event.
Veteran Marin 11 november-2
We went to see two cemeteries in East London yesterday. Not much remains from what was there once, so it was not easy to imagine, but going out, meeting people, seeing new places is always interesting.

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