Sunday, November 30, 2008

Morning baguettes

You do not have to go to Paris or France for that matter, to eat good baguettes any more, there are so many places one can find them in London, and, probably throughout in UK too.

I did not buy them at Jade boulangerie, when I passed there with my grand children but they did choose Eclair and Tarte au citron, and Pain au chocolat.

What I did, is taste a bit of each, tell myself it has too much sugar in it, then deligth in the rolls with seeds one can buy here from the supermarket all freshly made. I put some of them in the freezer, and as a miracle, when they come out, one by one, a few hours later I find them as fresh as they were.

Not like the baguettes which are good mostly a few hours after they come out of the oven of the boulengerie in the corner. Let's recognize, those too are not bad frozen: I did try them when I still lived in France.

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