Saturday, August 8, 2009

Portrait of a young moderne lady

I am happy to be 75 because now I can tell myself: "I still have a lot until 80. Lots of things I can still do and do and will do as long as possible.

When the energy goes down, I stay home and read and discover interesting facts I'll be able to use, I ponder for example of my life. When I was young, at the other side of the Iron Curtain.

I just discovered that the expression was from Churchill!

In my time, after the war, at the theater we still had an Iron Curtain going down after the spectacle was finished - I wonder if nowadays it still means also something literally to people.

What is sure, In my time after the war and behind the iron curtain, we were dressed gray and "seriously" if we did not wanted to be considered.... differently. So I regret I could not be young again in the modern times! I can feel like it sometimes, but not when I look to a wonderful young lady!

1 comment:

  1. Julie, dear

    Thank you for sharing your pictures and your thoughts...

    It was a delightful finding, truly inspiring.


