Friday, October 2, 2009

From 222 photos

The images go so fast, one after the other!

A rose, I received, the geraniums with no more flowers, then outside, flowers from very near and the house entrance with flowers and a green watering can.

The church entrance from outside, inside, and a Saint teaching her daughter to read. Here is a link to 50 of those 222 images.

Then suddenly, outside, a mother arrives, with a scarf holding near her the baby and a incredible happy smile on her face, communicating with the child while she walks.

That is why I make photos!

That is what I really like!

May I? Yes, of course, she told me, smiling towards me, too. The radiance remaining on her face. But the baby felt, not being the centre of the whole attention of his (her) mother, and was less happy. Here is the picture.
Street 1st October-40
That is life. That is why I went out, even if I thought it was to take some "minimalist" pictures.

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