Monday, March 29, 2010

Paris 2004 First documentary stroll

I have begun my "documentary photography" class, in September 2004, in the 18th arrondissement, not far from where, once I have lived.

It was a pleasure to go back, and not a "discovery" like to others.

After only a few yards, I was attracted to that shop with the young man with a sharp beard in it. I went nearer. He made me a sign to come in. Thus began my portraits of Parisian workers "career", documenting their work.

People of Paris Artisans 2

I entered that day also to a colours selling shop, to the post office, to a shop where replacement teeth were made, and finally, in an Arab café.
People of Paris Artisans 1 hands
They made me sign too, come in, and even posed in group at the end of our conversation.
For making their group picture
All those people, were no more strangers to me after I left, with all I spoke, they all told me things about themselves or their family or work or all of that.

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