Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Competent Communicator: Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on

I just published a great speech to which I listened this morning in my Competent Communicator blog, I will not reproduce it here, but I do believe it is worth listening and pondering to it.

Competent Communicator: Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

I understand now better what Cameron had in mind proposing alternative education for young.

But also, it gave me ideas for my next speech.

From the advanced toastmaster's manual "Speaking to Inform", this next project is a  'Fact finding Report" - and of course, with the intention also to persuade if possible that the facts you found and are showing are pointing to a certain direction. For myself, I do not believe in Objectivity, I think we are all Subjective, and that all speech should at least in part be somewhat persuasive too. More it is subtly done, more it is effective.
Yesterday, I visited the Polish your Polish group, a great toastmaster group, in South Kensington, near the Expos, I'll have to return to see some of the Expos too. They meet twice a month, in Polish, but I participated at one of their three English language meetings by year.

A special theme, Storytelling and Fairytales.

From the first worlds of its president, Lukasz, raised in Philadelfia and a very good speaker, we were plounged in the world of tales. "Once upan the times, long ago, in a far away world, there was a man, called Smilley, who..." How astute beginning, opening of a Toastmaster meeting based on Storytelling!

Our Toastmaster of the evening, Mrs Kramarz, continued by introducing each participant by his or hers favorite fairy tale. And the word of the day was Magic, Magical.

The meeting begun then with Table-topics, the great Table topics Master, Gosia Gorna, asked questions about tales, past or present or new ones, not without first, explaining, that we do not have to answer to the question, can turn it around or inverse it complectly. And all who did not speak in the second part, were asked to do it for 1 minute or 1 minute and half.

Pemma Fox, from the Corinthians Speakers, evaluated fast and well the Table topics. Her club is one where I would return with pleasure, and she as very encouraging me at the end of the meeting, too.

After a short break, the speech part begun, all by telling some tales, the last was me. Followed by all the Evaluation part of course, that makes more sense as this, all together finished by the General Evaluation.

We had a nr 4 speech and one from the storytelling manual and mine, from Speaking to Inform. What was stunning is that there were no big difference of levels between them, all were really good. Only mine, perhaps was too much a tale and not enough giving new information.

It was a great meeting!

My tale was good but then I wanted to explain how we find it, that come out well, how we learn it, that part got forgotten, and how we shape it pondering about 'what is my most important thing, message in this tale now" - that got well, but some or many thought I did not bring enough 'new information' or been enough explicit what it was the new information I did want to convey.

Listening to my speech, which my recorder 'immortalised' I agree with them, I got lost toward the end, and was not enough 'to the point', wanted too much to personalize it too. My ends need a lot more work and care too!

OK, next time.

I hope.

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